Expert Tutoring Services by Sohail Limbada
Professional tutoring for high school and first-year university courses by a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of Toronto.
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I'm a recent graduate of the mechanical engineering program from the university of toronto, having graduated with high honours. I have strong knowledge of math and physics. I have helped 20+ students with their highschool courses. I tutor both online and in person. the courses i tutor are grade 11 functions (MCR3U), grade 11 physics (SPH3U), grade 12 advanced functions (MHF4U), calculus and vectors (MCV4U), data management (MDM4U), grade 12 physics (MDM4U). I can also tutor first year university calculus, dynamics, statics. design me a poster to advestise my tutoring services. include my name, Sohail Limbada, phone number 647-937-3451, and email [email protected]. include all the information in the paragraph above.