Comprehensive Medical Dashboard
A visually striking medical dashboard showcasing impairment statistics and healthcare provider consultations in an interactive layout.
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Generate on this data Frequency and Percentage Distribution Variable Category Frequency (n) Percentage (%) Any form of physical or mental impairment (ht301) Yes 5,079 6.95 No 67,992 93.05 Form of physical impairment (ht302s1) No 2,234 43.92 Yes 2,852 56.08 Form of mental impairment (ht302s2) No 3,812 74.95 Yes 1,274 25.05 Consultation with healthcare providers No 1,975 39.12 Yes 3,074 60.88 Table 1: Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Associated with Physical or Mental Impairment Variable Impairment (n, %) No Impairment (n, %) APR [95% CI] P-value Gender Male 2,344 (7.57%) 28,633 (92.43%) Ref Ref Female 2,735 (6.50%) 39,359 (93.50%) 1.002 [0.999–1.005] 0.132 Age in years <60 2,108 (5.10%) 39,204 (94.90%) 1.037 [1.031–1.044] <0.001 60-69 1,569 (8.20%) 17,557 (91.80%) 1.026 [1.019–1.032] <0.001 70-79 944 (10.25%) 8,268 (89.75%) 1.017 [1.010–1.024] <0.001 80 & above 458 (13.39%) 2,963 (86.61%) Ref Ref Residence Rural 3,512 (7.43%) 43,752 (92.57%) Ref Ref Urban 1,567 (6.07%) 24,240 (93.93%) 1.003 [1.001–1.005] 0.009 Religion Hindu 4,015 (7.52%) 49,401 (92.48%) 1.007 [1.002–1.012] 0.004 Muslim 496 (5.75%) 8,134 (94.25%) 1.008 [1.002–1.013] 0.007 Christian 421 (5.76%) 6,882 (94.24%) Ref Ref Others 146 (3.93%) 3,571 (96.07%) 1.010 [1.004–1.015] 0.001 Education No formal education 2,715 (8.07%) 30,924 (91.93%) Ref Ref Class 1-9 1,686 (6.67%) 23,591 (93.33%) 1.004 [1.002–1.006] 0.001 Secondary school completed 362 (5.36%) 6,397 (94.64%) 1.006 [1.002–1.009] 0.001 Higher secondary and above 316 (4.27%) 7,079 (95.73%) 1.012 [1.009–1.015] <0.001 Diagnosed Hypertension 1,652 (8.15%) 18,626 (91.85%) 1.004 [1.002–1.007] <0.001 Diagnosed Diabetes 717 (8.12%) 8,114 (91.88%) 1.002 [0.998–1.005] 0.359 Diagnosed Cancer 43 (9.15%) 427 (90.85%) 1.011 [0.997–1.025] 0.113 Diagnosed Chronic Lung Disease 409 (10.46%) 3,500 (89.54%) 1.009 [1.004–1.014] <0.001 Diagnosed Heart Disease 224 (9.10%) 2,238 (90.90%) 1.003 [0.997–1.009] 0.365 Diagnosed Stroke 303 (24.84%) 917 (75.16%) 1.090 [1.075–1.105] <0.001 Diagnosed Bone/Joint Disease 1,043 (10.19%) 9,197 (89.81%) 1.011 [1.008–1.015] <0.001 Neurological/Psychiatric Problems 405 (25.68%) 1,172 (74.32%) 1.096 [1.082–1.109] <0.001 Diagnosed High Cholesterol 171 (7.07%) 2,247 (92.93%) 0.998 [0.992–1.004] 0.480