Steps for Performing a Blood Culture

Steps for Performing a Blood Culture

A professional guide outlining the correct steps for conducting a blood culture as per NHS protocols, featuring illustrations for clarity.

Informational Educational Blood-culture Health Care Facility Medical-awareness Medical-poster Nhs-procedures

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I want to make a poster on the correct steps of doing a blood culture as followed by nhs with emblems of Luton and Dunstable university hospital and Bedfordshire hospitals nhs foundation trust at the top. The poster should contain the headings- 1)equipments collection - (under which write) All vou need- a) Butterfly needle + Vacutainer blood draw set b) Blue and Brown Culture Bottles c) 2 Alcohol Swabs d) 1 Chlorhexidine Swab e) Tourniquet f) Gauze (Alwavs Remember to Don Gloves) 2)Skin and bottle preparation- (which includes)- a)Take the plastic caps off of the culture bottles and use two individual alcohol swabs to disinfect each of them. b)Clean the Skin By CLINELL Chlorhexidine swab for 30 seconds and leave to dry 3)Obtaining iv access- (Which includes)- a) Remove the needle cover and perform venepuncture ( Using Butterfly needle + Vacutainer set) b) Once access is achieved First connect the Blue / Aerobic Culture Bottle to the vacutainer needle. c) Fill a Minimum of 8ml (8-10ml) of blood in the bottle. d) Remove and repeat the same for the Brown/ Anerobic Bottle. 4)Finishing up- (which includes) - a)place a sterile gauze over the injection site and slowly remove the needle and apply pressure. b)Dispose the needle and vacutainer set into the sharps bin. c)Label the Culture Bottle with correct Patient details and the date and time of collection of sample. 5)Sending the Sample- (Which includes)- Ensure the correctly labelled sample is sent to the lab within 2hrs of Sample Collection Last heading- should be - “Crucial things to remember” - ( which includes) Clean the skin for 30s with CLINELL Chlorhexidine swab. Use Individual Alcohol swabs for each Culture Bottle. While using Butterfly Needle + Vacutainer set always fill Blue Bottle first. Labelling the Culture bottles is of crucial Importance. Send the labelled sample within 2 hrs of collection to the lab. Mention these as bullet points I would also like any cartoon inclusions which give a visual representation of each step.

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