Inside the Binnenhof: An Architectural Intern's Journey

Inside the Binnenhof: An Architectural Intern's Journey

A detailed visual presentation of an architecture student's internship contributions to the Binnenhof renovation project.

Educational 3d-rendering Academic Architecture-meets-neuroscience Binnenhof Renovation Professional-layout

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"Design a visually engaging poster for a school presentation about my internship. The poster should highlight my activities and accomplishments so far, as well as the key skills I have learned. Include visual elements like product samples I created, concept sketches, and impressions of the building I worked on. The internship is part of my architecture studies, where I contributed to the preparation phase of the Binnenhof renovation project in the Netherlands, home to the Dutch parliament buildings. Use a clean, professional style that balances text and visuals, making the information clear and appealing to students and teachers."

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Aspect Ratio: 3:4
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